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Buffer, Wetlands and Runoff
The physical, chemical, and biological interactions within wetlands are often referred to as wetland functions. These functions include surface and subsurface water storage, nutrient cycling, particulate removal, maintenance of plant and animal communities, water filtration or purification, and groundwater recharge.
Similarly, the characteristics of wetlands that are beneficial to society are called wetland values. Perhaps these can best be thought of as the importance of a wetland function to an individual or group. Some examples of wetland values include reduced damage from flooding, water quality improvement, and fish and wildlife habitat enhancement. It is important to maintain and restore wetland functions and values because wetlands contribute to the overall health of the environment.
May is Wetlands Month! America first celebrated “Wetlands Month” in May 1991. American Wetlands Month was created by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its federal, state, tribal, local, non-profit, and private sector partners to celebrate the vital importance of wetlands to the Nation's ecological, economic, and social health and to educate Americans about the value of wetlands as a natural resource.

For more information please visit: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/nj/technical/?cid=nrcs141p2_018658