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ATV Accident

Posted: 05/30/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23006767

Date Reported: 5/28/2023 at 5:02 PM

Incident: ATV Accident

Location: Cherry Point Road SW, Alexandria

Complainant/Victim: Juvenile male, Age 14

Case Details:

On 05/28/23 at 5:02pm the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call about a ATV accident on Cherry Point RD SW. Douglas County Deputies, North Memorial Ambulance, and Garfield first responders responded to the scene. Deputies learned a 14-year-old male was driving a Polaris Ranger when it tipped over. The 14-year-old was the only occupant and suffered a serious leg injury.

North Memorial Ambulance transported the male to the Alomere Hospital. This accident remains under investigation by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.

Officer: Sgt. Jake Asfeld, #206


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