This web page is a brief guide to Douglas County Civil Process. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will not provide legal advice. If you have questions regarding civil law please contact an attorney.
If you should have any question regarding Douglas County Civil Process please feel free to contact us.
How to send civil documents to the Sheriff’s Office for service.
1. Prepare a cover letter with ALL Papers sent to the Sheriff’s Office. The cover letter should include the following information:
a. Who you want served. (Full
name and DOB if possible)
b. Address of service location.
c. What papers are being served.
d. Address of where you want the papers returned.
2. Include enough copies for the service to take place.
3. Include a DEPOSIT CHECK made to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $55.00 ($50.00 service fee plus $5.00 base mileage fee). The civil unit will bill out any additional fees.
4. Mail to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Civil Unit at 216 7th Avenue West Alexandria, MN 56308
5. All mail sent to the civil process unit with overdue postage will be returned to the sender