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Douglas County Board Meeting February 18 2025

Posted: 02/21/2025

Author: Julie Anderson

Category: County Board, Departments

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Two of the county’s most popular outdoor concerts will continue in 2025. At their February 18 board meeting, Douglas County Commissioners granted permits for both the Summer Sounds by Brophy concerts which are put on by the Alexandria Rotary Club and held at Lake Brophy County Park and the Red Willow Arts Coalition concerts which are held on the north lawn of the Douglas County courthouse.

To get more information, commissioners tabled two items related to protecting and preserving natural resources. The first was a request by a Millerville Township family to place 62 acres into an Easement for Wildlife Habitat Protection. The request was presented by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Commissioners have long had concerns over these easements being permanent. They want to know how they might request the easements be reviewed and renewed every 25 years. The other request tabled was for a permit that could allow aerial spraying for tent caterpillars in the county. Extension Educator Robin Trott was asked to explain how this spraying impacts the environment and whether it’s a cost-effective way to handle tent caterpillars. 

In response to commissioners’ questions, Trott said the spraying impacts all caterpillars including those that become monarch butterflies. She said the pesticide can get into the water, impact organic gardens in the area, and that the damage done to trees by the tent caterpillars is cosmetic not permanent. The permit commissioners were asked to vote on is to allow West Central Ag-Air to satisfy Federal Aviation Administration regulations. It was not to determine whether or where any actual spraying will be done. Commissioners are requesting the owner of West Central Ag-Air to attend the March meeting so he can answer their questions. 

Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Troy Wolbersen asked the board to accept a $150 donation to the K-9 Unit from James and Darla Brink and to approve a joint powers agreement for the county to participate in the Anti-Methamphetamine Task Force. The board also approved a resolution supporting a grant application for a parenting program at the county jail. That program helps end generational incarceration. Inmates learn more about the impact of certain childhood experiences and receive parenting skills training, so their sons and daughters are less likely to one day be behind bars. 

Social Services

Director Tabitha Kremmin presented the Children’s Mental Health Respite Grant Contract for 2025 to the commissioners for approval. The grant agreement is with the Minnesota Department of Human Services and provides funds to assist children with Severe Emotional Disturbance and their families. The program provides respite services to reduce family stress and decrease the likelihood of out of home placement. Kremmin also asked the board to accept $1,050 in gift cards from Jingle Bells Blessings.

Public Works

County Engineer and Public Works Director Tim Erickson shared with the board the county had opened bids for paving in 2025. On County Road 8, Central Specialties submitted the low bid, as it did for paving work on County Road 4 and County Road 9 in Nelson. The board also accepted a $5,400 donation from Pheasants Forever for seeding native prairie at Rune Stone Park and approved a resolution supporting a grant application to construct a portable pump track at Lake Brophy County Park.

The next board meeting will be held Tuesday, March 4 at 9 a.m. County board meetings are now livestreamed. To watch, go to the website and look under Upcoming Events on the left. Click on the March 4 board meeting and look for Meeting Livestream.


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