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Douglas County Board Meeting October 1 2024

Posted: 10/02/2024

Author: Julie Anderson

Category: County Board, Departments

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Funding for safety and improvements to county infrastructure come from a variety of sources, and commissioners must discuss and determine whether to move forward with all projects. At its October 1 board meeting, members approved a number of requests.

Sheriff Troy Wolbersen asked the board to approve a federal/state grant for $136,080.00 to enforce the Driving While Impaired laws. Sheriff Wolbersen explained the funds will cover the expenses for having a deputy assigned to DWI enforcement. Commissioner Jerry Rapp asked whether this includes drivers under the influence of drugs as well as alcohol and the sheriff said yes, there are a lot of arrests where the driver has taken drugs and/or mixed them with alcohol. Commissioners approved the grant.

Public Works Director Tim Erickson and Park Superintendent Brad Bonk asked for the support of $10,000 from the Department of Natural Resources to close a funding gap for crack filling on the Central Lakes Trail. That motion was also approved.

County commissioners are tasked with responding to requests from landowners and lake associations to clean out and repair the ditch system. At the October 1 meeting, County Drainage and Ag Inspector Tom Anderson presented three requests. Two of which were approved, and one was tabled.

The first came from Michael Kalpin who reported that County Ditch 11 branch two was overgrown with vegetation that greatly restricted drainage. Anderson reported the cost to clean the impacted area would be $8,000. The funds come from taxes paid by those who benefit.

 The second request was for the main section of County Ditch 21. Darin Bitzan and Brent Johnson made the request to replace 350 feet of 12-inch tile to re-establish drainage. Bitzan and Johnson will pick up 75 percent of the cost. The remaining 25 percent will come from the remaining landowners benefitting from the ditch.

The request that was tabled was for County Ditch 23. The Ida Lake Association made the request to clean upstream of Oakridge Road NW. The lake association says the vegetation is so dense it restricts the flow and artificially raises the water level. Anderson said the lake association has pledged to pay $15,000 of the possible $30,000 price tag. The board learned there may be grants available for this project, so they tabled it until the next meeting. 

Long-time Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) member and chair, Dan New, has retired.  Commissioner Tim Kalina, who also serves on the PAC, said, “Dan is an excellent person, very knowledgeable. He knew his stuff and we’re going to really miss him.”

The PAC is the county committee that considers significant land use decisions such as ordinance changes, special use permits, and land development projects, and provides recommendations to the county board for its final consideration. Land and Resource Management Director Dave Rush is the county’s staff person for this committee and has worked with New since 2007.

“Dan contributed greatly to the county in his nearly 15 years on the Planning Commission,” he said. “For many of those years he was elected chairman by his colleagues and sat on a variety of committees and task forces.  He has always been a problem-solver and is very insightful. I very much enjoyed working with him and have appreciated his support and friendship.  He's leaving some big shoes to fill.”

 Commissioner Charlie Meyer said New has, “done an awful lot for the county and been a great chair of the PAC.” Meyer was able to appoint New’s replacement. He selected Jeff Oberg who is also an Alexandria Township Supervisor.

The Douglas County Board of Commissioners next meets October 15 at 9 a.m. at the Administration Building 821 Cedar St. Alexandria. 



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