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Major Road Construction Closes Part of County Road 4

Posted: 07/10/2024

Author: Julie Anderson

Category: Departments, Public Works

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A major road construction project in Douglas County will be fully underway on Monday, July 15. The impacted area is County State Aid Highway 4. This road is in the south-central area of Douglas County. The road will be closed to all but local homeowners from Trunk Highway 114 to County State Aid Highway 28. Crews from John Riley Construction began reclaiming the asphalt from the current roadway on July 9, with the full road closure to begin on July 15.  Construction activities will result in a wider roadway with lower hills to improve visibility, flatter side slopes, and install new culverts.  The project is scheduled for completion in October 2024.

“This stretch of road will be much improved following this project,” said Douglas County Engineer and Public Works Director Tim Erickson. We will be providing direct information to impacted residents and will provide public messaging for those who use this roadway on occasion.”

Road closed signs are posted in multiple locations to provide as much information as possible to travelers. People with questions should call the Public Works office at 320-762-2999.

The Lake Mary Town hall will remain accessible for the August 13 primary.


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