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Medical Call

Posted: 11/25/2024

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 24016415

Date Reported: 11/24/2024 at 3:45 PM

Incident: Medical Call

Location: 631 Borgrud Lane, Evansville, MN 56326

Complainant/Victim: Craig Alan Quinn, Age 70 of Evansville, MN

Case Details:

On 11/24/2024 the Douglas County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call for an unresponsive male party found at the bottom of a set of stairs in a home under construction in Evansville, MN. Deputies responded to the scene along with Evansville First Responders, Ashby Ambulance and North Memorial Ambulance. Upon assessing the male, first responders requested Life Link III for a scene landing. The male party was transported to St. Cloud hospital, vial Life Link III, with life threatening injuries.

At this time, it appears the male was working in the home when he fell down the stairs or he had a medical emergency causing him to fall down the stairs. Foul play is not suspected and the case remains under investigation.

Officer: Sgt. Daryl Giese, #215


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