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Water Rescue

Posted: 09/30/2024

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 24013520

Date Reported: 9/28/2024 at 0608 hours

Incident: Water Rescue

Location: Bird Lake - Osakis Township

Case Details:

Travis Hendrickson, Age 39
Jessica Brewer, Age 35


On 9/28/2024 at 0608 hours, Jessica Brewer called 911 to report two adults and two juvenile children had capsized their duck hunting boat on Bird Lake in Osakis Township. All four hunters were able to maintain hold of the capsized boat as rescue units were responding. A Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Water Patrol boat and the Douglas County Sheriff's Office Dive Team Airboat was dispatched to the scene. As units were responding, it was reported parties were having a difficult time staying afloat because their waders had filled with water. Deputies arrived on scene and were able to rescue all four hunters. The hunters were treated on scene for hypothermia exposure. None of the hunters were wearing life jackets and there were not enough life jackets for all of the occupants.

Hopefully, this call will serve as a reminder for all watercraft users to wear life jackets (or have them immediately accessible), have all children wear life jackets, and to have a life jacket for each occupant. Please do not sacrifice safety when participating in outdoor activities such as waterfowl hunting. Drowning is the leading causes of death for waterfowl hunters.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Alexandria Police Department, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officers, Osakis First Responders, and North Ambulance.

Officer: Deputy Bryan Ziegler, #212


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