Douglas County FAQs
Search for "Attorney's Office" returned 5 records from our FAQs
Does Douglas County have a law library?
Yes. It is located in the Courthouse between the Court Administration window and the court security metal detector.
Category: Attorney's Office
Where can I find a legal form for my court case?
A number of legal forms can be found at the Minnesota Judicial Branch website located here.
Category: Attorney's Office
Who do I call regarding a landlord/tenant issue?
The County Attorney’s Office is not allowed to give legal advice to the general public or become involved in landlord/tenant issues. You may contact the Attorney General's Office at 1-800-657-3787. The Attorney General's Office provides links to a number of valuable resources, and provides information about obtaining publications explaining the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants. You may also find helpful information at
Category: Attorney's Office
How do I get my record expunged?
You need to contact a private attorney and file the necessary paperwork to bring a motion before a judge.
Category: Attorney's Office
What's the difference between a County Attorney and a District Attorney?
There is no difference. The official title of prosecuting attorneys differs from state to state. In Minnesota, elected prosecutors of felony level offenses are called County Attorneys. In other states, such prosecutors are referred to by various titles, such as District Attorney, State's Attorney, State Prosecutor, etc.
Category: Attorney's Office