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Shed Fire

Posted: 08/28/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23011342

Date Reported: 8/26/2023 at 1102 hours

Incident: Shed Fire

Location: 16475 County Road 5 NW, Evansville, MN

Complainant/Victim: Derek and Alicia Meissner

Case Details:

On 08/26/2023 at approximately 1102 hours, the Douglas County Communications Center received a 911 call of a shed fire at 16475 County Road 5 NW, Evansville. The caller reported the shed was on their residence property detached from their home, fully engulfed. The Millerville Fire Department was dispatched, and they requested Brandon and Evansville Fire Department for mutual aid. The departments were able to extinguish the fire, but the shed with many items of value were a total loss. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Officer: Deputy Nicole Swanson, #220


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