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Structure Fire - Detached Garage

Posted: 01/17/2023

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 23000713

Date Reported: 1/16/2023 at 1:32 PM

Incident: Structure Fire - Detached Garage

Location: 15801 Co Rd 65 NE, Spruce Hill Township

Complainant/Victim: Property Owner: Brandon Hogrefe, Age 35

Case Details:

On 01/16/2023 at about 1:32 PM, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call from Brandon Hogrefe about a detached garage fire at 15801 Co Rd 65 NE near Miltona. Douglas County Sheriff's Deputies and the Miltona Fire Department responded to the location and found the garage was fully engulfed. No one was inside the building. Miltona Fire Department requested mutual aid from Parkers Prairie Fire Department. The fire was extinguished. Because of the severe fire damage, the garage along with all the equipment inside was a total loss. A vehicle parked outside the garage also sustained fire damage. The cause of the fire is currently unknown and is under investigation but does not appear to be suspicious.
Agencies involved included: Miltona Fire Department, Parkers Prairie Fire Department, North Ambulance, and the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.

Officer: Deputy Dustin Alexander, #211


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