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Water Complaint

Posted: 03/03/2025

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 25002575

Date Reported: 3/2/2025 at 0745 hours

Incident: Water Complaint

Location: Lake Victoria

Complainant/Victim: Mark E. Herrboldt, Age 45 of Rice, MN

Case Details:

On 3/02/2025 at 07:45 hours the Douglas County Sheriff's Office received a call advising that a truck had gone through the ice on Lake Victoria. Alex viking towing was on the scene already upon the arrival of Deputies and all occupants were safely out of the vehicle.

It was learned that the driver had entered onto the lake from the public access shortly before 0700 and appeared to go about twenty feet onto the ice before the front end of his truck broke through. All occupants of the truck were able to exit safely and contact Alex viking to tow the vehicle out.

The ice was very inconsistent and ranged from a few feet in thickness to about 3.5 inches where the truck broke through. The vehicle was safely removed from the water and the access is now closed to the public. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has blocked the access with police tape and traffic cones at this time.

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office would like to remind everyone to continually check the ice conditions when going onto the ice. Please wear appropriate safety gear such as ice picks and life jackets. Have a plan in place in case you do fall through the ice. 

Officer: Deputy Logan Waldvogel, #210


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