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Water Related Incident - Lake Miltona

Posted: 07/03/2024

Category: County Sheriff Press Release

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Case Number: 24008818

Date Reported: 7/2/2024 at 1722 hours

Incident: Water Related Incident - Lake Miltona

Location: Lake Miltona, Douglas County

Complainant/Victim: John Colton, age 66 of Clarissa, MN

Case Details:

On 7/2/2024 at 1722 hours, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office responded to a watercraft incident on Lake Miltona. A resident on the south shore of Lake Miltona reported witnessing a boater being thrown overboard, and the unoccupied boat still in operation, spinning in a circle. The witnesses quickly boarded their own boat and rescued the man who was thrown overboard. Deputies arrived on scene and monitored the boat that continued to spin in circles, until it ran out of gas and finally became disabled. Two Conservation Officers from the MN DNR also responded and assisted on scene. Colton told deputies and Conservation Officers that he was reaching for something when he lost control of the tiller handled outboard motor while in operation, and was thrown overboard. Colton was wearing a life jacket at the time, and remained in the water until the witnesses arrived to pull him from the water.

No injuries were reported, and the boat was towed back to a nearby Public Access. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the MN DNR.

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office strongly recommends wearing life vests while boating and on the water for people of all ages, especially while the watercraft is moving. Life vests save lives.

Officer: Sgt. Bob Peper, #225


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